Sunday, January 3, 2021

Baby Teeth

Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I suppose when most people labeled this book "creepy" they were right.  But the story about Hanna and her relationship with her mother and father was not only creepy sometimes, but downright sad.  What we dont find out about Hanna is how is became the darling daughter of her father, while she is also the psycho going after her mother.  But I guess thats for another book.

I found myself quite often wanting to lash out at can a young child be so mean? But the more you read the book, the more you realize how twisted she is but also how smart.  She knows exactly what she is doing.

This was a quick read that I enjoyed because it was a different type of book I usually read.  Remember, its just a book!  #audio  #fourstars

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