Tuesday, December 15, 2020

My Name is Anton: A Novel

My Name is Anton: A Novel My Name is Anton: A Novel by Catherine Ryan Hyde
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

To cry or not to cry...that is the question.  I have read Catherine Ryan Hyde books before and again I was not disappointed.  Her stories are so poignant and caring.  Having read this book in 3 days (could have been 2, except life gets in the way!) I found myself reading at every opportunity.  

We follow Anton's life - from his horrific accident coming from trying to do the right thing, to his rocky relationship with his parents, to finding the love of his life, to losing her - the story goes on and on, for a whole lifetime.  I felt like I knew Anton and so when he was sad, I was sad.  When he was happy, I was happy.  A story about selfless people, who did what was good for others not themselves and a lesson on ways we can be happy if only we thought of others more than ourselves.  

I loved the relationship he had with his grandmother also.  #fivestars  #KindleUnlimited

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