Saturday, February 22, 2020

Review: The Last Sister

The Last Sister The Last Sister by Kendra Elliot
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Twenty years ago Emily Mills’s father was murdered, and she found his body hanging in the backyard. Her younger sister, Madison, claims she was asleep in her room. Her older sister, Tara, claims she was out with friends. The tragedy drove their mother to suicide and Tara to leave town forever. The killer was caught. The case closed.

But is it?  Another murder happens in this quaint town and when the FBI comes in, well it seems to open up a can of worms.  This story was slow going in the beginning and although I was a bit bored with it...things started to come together.  I am still surprised at the ending having no idea who the real killer was (my kind of book).  Also, one of the sisters does not show up until the end - which gives it the glue that was holding this story together.  Great book.  #KindleUnlimited  #fourstars

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