Saturday, July 7, 2018

I won, but I lost.

My business has loads of incentives.  This way there is a push to sell more and get more team members.  I dont mind because it is not necessary for my business.  I can do it and I also have the option of not doing it.

But then again I love doing it.  It is the little push I need to get my business to the next level.  Each month when I check online it tells me what I could win if I do push a little harder.  I have won things like earbuds, totes, aprons, hats, money, necklaces, and a whole lot of other stuff.

But sometimes there are things that can be won...but not received.  I recently entered an incentive to get a swag bag of loads of Avon items.....and then received an email that I had reached my goal but had to go to RepFest to get it.  While I would love nothing more than going there (in Ohio) and would have if my hubby was doing well....I cannot at this time leave him alone nor can I take him with me due to health reasons.

So while winning this incentive I really lost....but thats ok, because there will be plenty of other incentives in this business.  (Even a trip to Hawaii)

And so, as I wait for the next one, I return to my own incentives for my customers....

Online: use code WELCOME10 to get 10% off

Check out my online shop for discounts like buy one, get one free....or buy one, get one half price. 
Also watch for the latest new line - Bath and Body for Kids.

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