Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Let's go to the movies.....or not

It has been awhile since I did go to the movies.  I do love them, when there are decent movies to see.  I stopped taking the grandkids since they are old enough to go themselves; or they dont like what's playing.  Just as well, not into Star Wars etc.

Was wondering how often you get to the movies. I always plan but there is always something that gets in the way (like hubby going to the hospital, all is well now)

When I do get there, I find I am freezing because the air conditioner is so high; and is it me? the sound is way way up that it is deafening.  Or am I just getting old?

I also dont eat the snacks they have since it is way to high in calories....why dont they sell popcorn without all that salt and butter? The only drink I can have is water - $5?  Really?

This sounds like a complaint blog, but it really isnt....I think the movies has changed since I was a child....and growing up my parents believed in being outside, not cooped up in the movies.  We lived near the beach and, well, we were there every weekend in the summer.  ...Never got tired of the sun and sand and ocean.

With technology today you dont have to go to the movies.  Wait long enough and it comes on TV or DVD....and a lot cheaper.  Although this is one of those times I am glad to be a senior citizen...you get a few dollars off the admission ticket.

And so as I check out the movies in my neighborhood, and realize I am not into some of them, I pick up my books and read....another way of getting into an adventure, without going to the movies....

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