Thursday, February 17, 2011


I am two days closer to my birthday.....maybe that is why I havent posted in a day or two.  It's not the number (which I wont tell) well, maybe it is the number....or its the number of people around me that are no longer with me.....another friend just lost her mom.....I lady who was special.  You see I wasnt close to my mom and I marvel at some relationships people have with their mom. 

What the younger generation doesnt realize is that life is so short.....we should cherish those close to us....

OK, when I started this blog I promised myself I wouldnt get like this.  This is a happy blog and there will be no grumblings or negative feelings and certainly no dirty on a happy note,  I won......a pair of earrings....

I enter giveaways.....never win....take that back, I once won a book actually signed by the author.....but these are earrings....and since my shop has jewelry.....I got to pick out something that interest me.....

aren't these the best....I love silver and turquoise...and InnerEarthJewelry 

has some great items....Please check out her shop.......You wont find these in it but if you like them, she has the same ones in brass.......So I will be waiting patiently for the mail to arrive with my prize....I am so birthday and a prize all at the same time....


  1. Happy early birthday! I think birthdays and holidays start to lose meaning when we start to lose our loved ones.

  2. Hey Agnes, thanks for the mention and I hope you have a fun birthday!

  3. I hope you have a great birthday! Your blog is great! You are very talented.
