Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Ex

The Ex The Ex by Freida McFadden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I started this one when I was suppose to be reading a book for my book club.  I usually read only one book at a time.  But my book club read was a paperback and I cant read it in bed.  So at night I started this one.....and could not put it down.

It switches between the "ex" and the "new girl" and at first I was confused (I'm old) but then I got the hang of the story.  Poor Joel - loves Cassie - but his ex, Francesca is always in the background.  When strange things start to happen you wonder at first what is going on?  and more so who is doing it.  It sounds like Francesca is on a revenge bout - but is she?  

The one thing I can say about this book is - when you read the Prologue - you are hooked.  By the way, I am still trying to read my book club book (but also started another McFadden book, oh my)
#fivestars #loveMcFadden 

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