Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Family Remains

The Family Remains The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I hate not finishing books, but I do have a few on my lists.  Its not that I hated it but the story just didnt get to me.  Maybe it was because there were three separate stories in the book and I thought maybe somewhere they would connect.  But half way through I was not seeing that, plus each had a different year it was taking place.  

I was interested in Rachel and Michaels story, which is what kept me going.  But Henry looking for Phin just got monotonous and very slow.  Of course, the third story of finding a body of a missing girl from decades ago was interesting.  Did these stories have anything in common?  I am not one to give up on books, and you may find it more interesting than me...but life is too short to continue reading a book I really was not interested in.  If anyone has read this book, please feel free to give your comments on what you liked.  

I got an ARC from #Netgalley and while appreciate it, I really thought I would enjoy it.  

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