Friday, June 11, 2021

The Therapist

The Therapist The Therapist by B.A. Paris
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I must start by saying from the very first page of this book I was hooked. In fact a lot of housework did not get done because of it.  Not the first book by Paris that I have read, and certainly will not be the last.  

A simple story, or so I thought, of Alice and Leo moving into a house he bought because they were only seeing each other on weekends and this was a solution to their problem.  But there were many more problems ahead of them.  Alice was never told that someone was murdered in the house and when she finds out Leo failed to tell her....well, things get mighty frantic after that.

Alice then becomes obsessed with the murder especially when told the person accused did not do it! And so we find ourselves involved with secrets and surprises.....I kept asking myself "How would I react in this situation?" 

Place this one on your TBR list.  Release date July 13, 2021  Thank you #NetGalley for the ARC, definitely a #fivestar read. 

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