Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Mom Boss

Mom Boss Mom Boss by Hilary Grossman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Forest River, NY - or it can be anywhere - where moms stay at home to take care of their children, have live-in nannys and get involved in their local PTA.  This book brought me back to my days when my children were young - except for the live-in nanny, I was a stay at home mom taking my kids back and forth to school.  

And then we get involved in the school PTA.  That brought back memories also.  Where the new moms, this case Jackie Martin were not welcome in what had become a clique.  So Jackie did what any other concerned parent would do - she took it upon herself to help the school outside of the PTA.  This didnt sit well with the President and so the fight is on.  Loved this story, first time reading this author and of course she has other books surrounding the lives of all the PTA moms and their lives.  

Great light read and enjoyable.  #KindleUnlimited  #fourstars

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