Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A Borrowed Life

A Borrowed Life A Borrowed Life by Kerry Anne King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Being a pastor's wife isnt easy.  But Liz has always done that, maintaining the appearance and demands of her husband.  But all that ends when her husband suddenly dies.  Besides sadness she all of a sudden feels a sense of freedom.  She is now on her own, to do whatever she pleases.

On the other hand, her daughter Abigail comes home to take care of her and cant believe the change in her mother.  New friends have influenced her to join a theater group, leave the church and of all things at the age of 49, become pregnant.

Mother and daughter struggle with their relationship and all the changes.  I was so into this book and relished each page as I learned that mothers and daughters despite their differences can come to turns with who they are.  And dreams can be rebuilt with a little love and patience.  #KindleUnlimited  #fivestars  

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