Saturday, January 25, 2020

Review: One Perfect Summer

One Perfect Summer One Perfect Summer by Brenda Novak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Serenity Alston swabbed her cheek for 23andMe, she joked about uncovering some dark ancestral scandal. The last thing she expected was to discover two half sisters she didn’t know existed. Suddenly, everything about her loving family is drawn into question. And meeting these newfound sisters might be the only way to get answers.

The book covers the three women meeting up at a summer home in Lake Tahoe and how their relationship blossoms. This author is my all-time favorite and I read everything she writes. And I was not disappointed in this story. It keeps your interest and keeps you turning page after page. The story divides between Serenity (whose husband is in jail), Lorelei (whose husband cheated on her) and Reagan (who is having an affair in the office)....with all this drama going on in the background the women endeavor to find out how they are half sisters and dig up some pretty amazing theories.

Again, Brenda Novak gives us a great story. Place this book (available April 2020) on your TBR list. #NetGalley #five stars

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