Monday, June 25, 2018

We all need a Face Lift

OK, that's not true. Some of us have aged well and some of us dont give a darn...but then again there are some that do need one and go ahead and do it.

I am not one of those who think they need a face lift - this face and body has seen a lot in her years and a few lines dont scare me.

On the other hand, there are other things that do need a face lift and dont cost a penny.  If you havent seen it yet just take a look around this page.

Every once in a while I like changing the theme of my blog.  I was really getting tired of the colors and pictures all around my today I decided to go looking into that face lift.  So many colors and I actually found one with photos of makeup - which would have gone nicely, but didnt like all the other settings in it.

Because I love to read, (and so do you if you are reading this) I decided to go with a books theme....even my business has a book you browse....and so with a few tweaks, a new face lift has been born.

A bit brighter with a light background for the words....I think I will keep this one....until the next face lift.....What do you think? 


  1. It looks very nice! It is brighter and goes along with all of your book review posts. That's great you know how to change the look of your blog so easily.

    1. It was all hit or miss, I fooled around with it for some time until I got the look I wanted...I like it too, thanks.
