Thursday, June 28, 2018

Best Laid Plans

You know what they say - "Man makes plans, and G-d laughs" - and so my days are always planned.  I did some housework and then texted several of my friends to 'how about getting together for lunch on Tuesday'

And so they all answered, I called the restaurant to make a reservation for noon for 8 people....but there were other plans for me that day....several hours before hubby wasn't feeling good, chest pains...and we called an ambulance.

Spent 7 hours in the emergency room and he was finally given a room...where he has been all week, taking tests to find out the problem (still dont know) and I have been driving back and forth to the hospital...and still no word.  But he is in the right place and complaining about the bed and food...maybe he is getting better!

And so the lunch meeting went on without me....we retired ladies try to get together from time to time to catch up.... there will be other days....the main thing is he is in the right place and will get better and be pain-free. 

To plans and plans gone array!

1 comment:

  1. That's too bad about your husband! I hope they can find out what caused his pains. That's good it sounds like he's feeling better.
