Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Decision is In

We go through life thinking of only good (I hope) and when bad  comes along we think we will never get over it.  But if living so long has taught me anything, it is that through life there are bumps (always) and somehow we manage to get over those bumps and continue on the road.

So when I awoke this morning, the day I do my weigh in, I was in a good mood.  It was a hard week, two BBQ and one afternoon luncheon....but somehow I think I managed.  They were for good things, birthday, book discussion and a going away.....

And then I stepped on the scale....my scale which is two lbs off as it is....and it showed a 2 lb weight gain.  How did that happen?  I thought I ate good but apparently there were some things that I should not have had...was it those two spoonfuls of cake?  Or all that salt in some of the food.  I didnt eat bread....

But somehow it burst my bubble and made my decision not to go to have my official weigh in.  What would that have done?  Make a bad situation worse...because I knew I would never go back...that all the other weight I had lost (minus the 2 lbs I gained this week) would have come back.

And so, I made the trip, weighed in, and put my head back on the program.  I will succeed this week and lose those 2 lbs gained and more....stay tuned to hear about my journey next week.

Are you on a weight loss journey?  Let's share ....


  1. Good job for not giving up! I know it's hard! I get frustrated with the scale too sometimes, but we have to keep going.

    1. Thanks Brenda..this time I am sticking with it..just a bump in the road (like life)..

  2. Agnes I have gained a lot of weight this past year and have no motivation to do anything about it. I really need to get myself moving. You don't give up since you have already made such good progress.

    1. Thanks Mary, not giving up, think I lost the gain and then some (my scale) but will weigh in on Tuesday (and report here)...a friend of mine is joining on Tuesday so maybe the buddy system will also work. Thanks for the encouragement.
