Sunday, December 6, 2015

Review: The Golden Peacock

The Golden Peacock The Golden Peacock by Lauren B. Grossman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh My...what a story. The Golden Peacock covers the story of Jana - a Holocaust Survivor...who was separated from her brother, sent to an orphanage where she was adopted by a family and escaped later on from an abusive stepfather. She then moves away, meets the love of her life and years later ends up in a nursing home.

Along comes Rainee, a writer, looking for another topic for her book and comes along papers of Jana who also shares the same birth month and day. Realizing this could be the basis for her book, she goes to London looking for Jana and her story and what she finds turns into an amazing, heart warming, loving and incredible story of survival and amazing things one can accomplish when facing all odds.

A must-read book.

View all my reviews and dont forget to shop at and use the following codes for great discounts.

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