Friday, December 18, 2015

It was my first time

I dragged the suitcase out of my car along with two tote bags.  Pulling it all the way up to the door, I found myself staring at 4 steps.  The young gentleman along with his son asked to help me and carried my bags up to the front desk.  Security asked me where I was going....just into the cafeteria I said.

I went in with another lady and saw 7 tables waiting there.  No one else was there so we sat down and started to chat.  It was her first time too.  We compared strategies and talked about family.  Then others came.  Some were friendly, some were not.  But we finally met the person in charge who gave us all our places to begin.  And so the night began.  My first time at an event where I would sell my Avon.  I set up my table, placed all items on the table cloth that bears the name of Avon.  Took out my books, samples and business cards.....and waited.

It was a slow night, few people came in but most of them stopped by my table.  Some bought a few items, most took my brochures and business cards.  Some even gave me their information so I can contact them later. I put their info into my store so they can receive emails telling them of all the discounts and giving them codes for great sales and discounts.

I went home tired but happy that I was able to reach out to people and get out of my comfort zone. All in all, it was a great night ---- for my first time.

Check out my e-store for great deals and discounts....if you register you will receive emails for codes for discounts and free shipping.

Want to win a $10 Amazon Card?  Place an order of $30 or more between now and December 25th and have a chance to win.  Your name will be entered for a chance to win.  Winner will be announced December 27th.  Good Luck!  Go to my e-store now at 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to try an event for the first time, and glad you met some nice people. I hope those contacts result in sales for you.
