Monday, August 12, 2013

I love......

block parties.  Yes, I do, and am lucky enough to live on a block that has one every year since I moved here.  We have a great group of people (including one in particular who does all the work involved in getting the party going).  It is not an easy job, but my neighbor gets the permit, orders rides, gets the music, sends out flyers, collects the money, etc. and every year it is a hit.

  I had blogged about one of my block parties several years can check it out here.....or check back next week when I have photos on this years block party.  The day starts off with breakfast, then setting up chairs and tables outside, games for the kids......usually food starts coming outdoors by lunch time and keeps coming until the end of the day.  This year it will be held on Sunday because we could not get the permit for Saturday, but that is ok....the kids are off from school so the only ones going to work will probably be dad and maybe a mom or two.  I myself am off for the summer......

Does your block have an annual block party?

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