Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Today was a bummer.  Arose at 5:15 am because I had to be at the Lab by 7:15 am...and was still late getting there.  No parking at all, had to park illegally.....but since I did make an appointment, they took me right away...(one thing that went right)

Then I forgot to tell them that they need to use the smallest needle possible because my veins are they didn't, and proceeded to withdraw my blood which would not come out.  Three vials later and with much pain, they finally got it.

  Feeling woozy and not so good, I proceeded to stop at Dunkin Donuts to get a medium coffee to bring up my pressure a bit....and couldn't wait to get home.  But drove slowly, and managed with a little help from hubby who met me outside.  This is all because some blood tests came back on my thyroid as after a sonogram and this blood test, I will find out on Tuesday what the heck is going on......I hope.  So now I am sitting home trying to type this since my arm is killing me (not the techs fault, just have bad veins) and think I will just relax today and baby myself.....

Hope your day is much better......

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