Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hi fellow bloggers...

Know I have not been blogging much these days, except for my book reviews.  Been having a few medical problems that I must get under control and the doctor visits have been killing me.  But on the bright side, I have been doing a lot of reading as you can see in my reviews.

If they take any more blood from me, I will scream....the black and blues are horrible. While going for one problem, they have found two more.....but meds have kept the pain away mostly.

On a brighter side, school ended yesterday for the children  and while I do have to work until Friday I am off the whole month of July and August.  I am not planning any long trips this summer but do plan to relax, read, and try to exercise....I signed up for a Tai Chi class to get these bones moving some.  A few weekend trips will's first birthday in July will take me up to Westchester for the day. 
While I probably wont blog everyday, I will come back here and there so no one thinks I fell off the earth.  My online jewelry business has suffered too, but plan to do some of that too.

In between grandchildren visits, I have a beach pass where I will go to relax and read.  I am also on a diet where I have already lost 5 lbs.  So here's to a beautiful summer for all.....until we blog again.


  1. Thinking about you, Agnes, and hoping your medical problems are not too serious, and that you are not in pain. Hopefully they've got enough blood by now!
    Tai Chi is great, I practiced it when I was younger, but unfortunately let it go be the wayside for so long tht I no longer remember the form.

  2. Hi Barbara...thanks, been trying to cope above the pain and of course the meds help. Off for two months now so plan to relax, read, try tai chi, go to the beach, etc. Hope to blog more and be creative in my jewelry shop....will let you know how I make out in tai chi...looking forward to it...have a great weekend. especially since the weather is holding out for us...

  3. You really have suffered a lot and it I am inspired by the way, you are taking care of yourself. Keep it up!

    B&B Brugge                   
