Tuesday, June 25, 2013


The Good LawyerThe Good Lawyer by Thomas Benigno

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I borrowed this book through my Kindle account because I love thrillers....and I was rewarded with a great story. This book was inspired by a true story.. The story is about a young lawyer who wants to prove himself even though his family is mob connected. He works as a Bronx Legal Aid Attorney he learns the system, and has a perfect record of non convictions. But the Spiderman case is wide spread. He then decides to take the case of a teacher's aide accused of molesting three students. He believes his client is innocent and only after the trial of getting him off does he discover the painful truth. But he sets out to make it all right and win this one too...

A "cant put it down" book.

View all my reviews

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