Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Havent been here..

for a while because feeling like things are just not right.  Crunch time at work; and weather is playing havoc on medical thought it best to stay away and rest instead of typing....

but alas I cannot stay away too long.  Been reading and somewhat straightening the laundry gets done, but not much else.

So now instead of wallowing in my misery, I will attempt to be upbeat (nobody likes a wet blanket) and concentrate on good things.  Yes, I have pain...but others do too and some worst off....look at Oklahoma.....

I will be happy that the weather is getting better....warmer, some days too warm, but warm nonetheless.  My garden is coming along...still have planting to do but a big weekend is coming up and will have time to do it.

Speaking of big weekend....I plan to have a BBQ for Memorial Day.....the first one of the hot dogs and hamburgers and some chicken will be grilled....the grandkids will play outside and I can finally sit on my deck....good food, good music, some wine and great company....what could be better.

I will look forward to better things....birthdays have been celebrated and we are not finished yet, there are more to come....the summer is almost here and working in a school affords me 8 weeks off in the summer.....more reading, more relaxing.  There are a few recitals coming up in June also.  Hopefully our Aquarium will be open soon after the big Storm Sandy hit it.....and a few trips to exciting places planned are ahead.

What are you doing to be upbeat?....because no one likes a wet blanket.

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