Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Need Mommy Juice

Today is Wednesday - hump day - finally.....because the week started off hitting me on the head.  I am really thinking of opening a bottle of wine - I bought 4 bottles on Saturday.  There was this great place near a restaurant we went to - Stews - where the wine was flowing (yes, they gave out samples) and the prices were right.

I particularly loved the bottle found on one of the shelves.....

I think there should be a bottle in every mommy's home......just the label says "get me through this day"....yes, this was definitely the week to get this wine.....

I also got a bottle of Cocoa di Vine

which has a mixture of wine and chocolate - just in case you cant make up your mind which one you want....why not have them both.

They are both in my cooler....but not for long :)

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