Thursday, October 4, 2012


Love it and decided to treat myself to sunglasses along with this beautiful case.
Of course, the sun hasnt been out for 3 days now......
So it has been sitting in my tote bag - tomorrow they promised sun, so I may be able to use them....rain and clouds have been the norm here.

I think I should have gotten them the beginning of summer instead of fall.  But alas, they will look good on my cruise next year.....

How's the weather in your part of the town?


  1. What a great posting and good job .

  2. Hope you see some sunshine soon! They are beauties! Good for you! Stopping by to thank you for your continued kind words:) Good luck with your endeavor also!

  3. You'll stun the competition with these sun glasses, Agnes! So, where are you headed? Anywhere this side of the Pond? I don't live too far from Southampton which is a great cruise venue, so if you do have a call in, let me know in advance: I'd try to get to the dockside, if only just to wave!
