Thursday, December 22, 2011


I havent been blogging because I just havent had the time...there is so much to do and so little time....been cleaning, shopping and wrapping...working, ordering, and cant wait until next week.

You see I am one of those people who work in a school and get all of next week off and one worked out this year that we are off from Monday through Friday and because New Years Day is on a Sunday, we also have Monday off......2012?.....when did that happen?

Wasnt it yesterday when we were all worried about 2YK.....hoping all of our computers would not crash when the year became 2000......and now it is 2012......have you ever thought of what you have accomplished in the past 12 years?  Well, I am proud to say that I became a grandma 7 times over since the year 2000.......and I cant believe that my first grandchild will become 11 years old in 2012.......there have been some ups and downs....many disasters in the world, including the fall of the World Trade Center.....too many hospital visits for me also....

But I am glad to say things had a way of working out and here's to 2012 - may it be a healthy one, a happy one and a peaceful one. 

1 comment:

  1. When I think back the last 12 yrs it is crazy all that has been done.. I went to college, bought a house, 3 vehicles, had 2 babies, lost my dad, had some health concerns of my own, lost a job gained 2.. hmm wow!

    Happy Holidays and congrats on ALL those grand babies!
