Sunday, December 18, 2011


Hello and good morning....sitting here, surfing, and wondering when I am going to stop drinking coffee (3rd cup) and get up and finish all the stuff i have to do.  There was no blog yesterday because i spent the day shopping....sorry, I hate it.....I did most of it online but there are some things even I have to shop for.....

Now, I must wrap and label to make sure i bought everything...and alas, there is laundry to do...bah humbug.....I sit here watching my neighbors packing their car for their winter trip down to that's a good idea....snowbirds...sounding better and better every year....especially in that 20 degree weather this morning....


Hubby went walking...bless him, while i slept in and now besides making dinner I will take my coffee downstairs and do laundry.....or else, my excuse for not going to work tomorrow will be.....I have no clothes......yeah, that will work!

Meantime, fellow bloggers - have a great day....whatever you do!


  1. I've done my shopping, save for a few stocking stuffers for hubby---but I was SO much later this yr. than in yrs. past. I started up a baking business and that's taken up so much of my time, naturally. I STILL have to wrap several gifts; though I made a lot of progress last wk. on that. Hope you get all your things done so you can relax and enjoy the season!

  2. A baking great...loved to bake, used to do it when I was a SAHM...seems back then I had so much more time...or is it that I am just getting older...anyway, have a great holiday!
