Monday, December 26, 2011

Does Chinese Food.....

make you sleepy?  With all the holidays and grandkids around, we never got to celebrate our 37th anniversary until yesterday.....and decided to go out to our favorite Chinese restaurant.  Being on a diet, we never really go to eat Chinese food that much...too much salt and MSG....but we do go on special occasions.....and of course, we ate too much....and now have the left overs......

But it was so good.......but when I came home I fell asleep on the couch and woke up in time to.....go to, was it the food? or maybe eating too much of it?

         think i will have the leftovers for lunch today.....the diet will start again tomorrow..........

1 comment:

  1. I love Chinese food. And yes, it always makes me sleepy. Enjoy your leftovers.
