Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Birthday

Do you remember your 7th long ago was it?  For me....many many moons ago.....But we need not fret because I have lived my 7th birthday over through all five of my children and when I was done with that.............

I am continuing it with all six of my grandchildren.....and with one more on the way.....I will do it again....

I love the smiles and being able to spoil them......great being grandma....because for my grandson's birthday on Wednesday.......we had........for dinner.............

chocolate cake.............(it has eggs and milk....good for you)  lol

We then took in a baseball game............
  and then there were.......

Fireworks and to top off the day...............we got to run the bases.............

See him?  in the striped shirt.............

all in was a great day!!!!!!          


  1. Oh man, that cake looks sooooo good. Sounds like a great time.

  2. totally worth going off my diet...

  3. That cake looks so yummy. I love all of your photos. Fun fun!

  4. I am here via the Friday blog hop. I am really enjoying your site. Please stop by and visit me at and also I started a new team on ETsy called Blogging Grannies.
    Have a great day!!
