Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Goodnight Wednesday

So I spent all day in the house.......because......the ice hit us like a bomb...and there was no way I could walk on it.....the steps were covered and the car looked like an ice car.  So I called in, stayed in, did some beading, finally opened my package from Cathryn of some gorgeous beads and a gift she sent me.....I am besides myself with joy....cant wait to get started.

I did do some laundry, some blogging, made some valentine pendants.....and am now charging my camera in order to take pictures.  Stopped by Frugal Invitation to do some blog hopping.....and hoping to get some Likes and Follows back.

Almost finished with my book......wait for the review soon.......and I also made a pot of get me in the mood for my Bead Soup Party I guess.  I did not wash the floors but then again the snow is all over the place and people are still tracking it in........

All in all it was a good day.....hubby is still laid up a bit with than ankle he sprained from falling on the is really bad out here but the groundhog said spring is coming early.....I hope.

So I leave you.....saying Goodnight Wednesday.......and if you are still up please stop by Frugal Invitation    and do some blog hopping....


1 comment:

  1. Glad Hubby is doing better!

    Please take pictures of the beads I sent you--I FORGOT to do that--again! *bats her eyes and says pretty, pretty please* :D

    We had a snow day and I took advantage of it by playing with the beads you sent me! They are screaming "BE ORGANIC!" at me, so I'm trying to work it! :D
