Friday, August 5, 2022

The Prisoner

The Prisoner The Prisoner by B.A. Paris
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

B.A.Paris never fails in writing great books.  I love stories where it keeps you guessing till the end.  I received an ARC from Netgalley of this book and it did not disappoint.  The story grabs you from the start.  We follow Amelie as she starts her life over and marries a handsome billionaire, Ned.

But things get hairy when both of them are kidnapped but separated.  What you think will happen has a bit of a twist to it as you read on.  And turning pages is definitely what you will want to do in this book.  You think you know the story - but really you dont - and the author keeps you guessing and then being surprised of the turn of events as you read.

Definitely a TBR to be added to your pile of books.  Release date is November 1, 2022, so either preorder or mark your calendar to get this one.  #fourstars #netgalley

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