Saturday, April 18, 2020

Review: The Request

The Request The Request by David Bell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was hard to put a star amount to.  At first it was 3* because it was slow going and any book that takes me 6 days to read usually doesn't hold my interest.  You see Amanda and Ryan had this perfect life, along with their son, Henry.  But then things started going wrong because of Ryan's friend, Blake.  They were involved in a car accident in their college days that killed and maimed other people.  Their friend Aaron went to jail for driving while drunk.

But then things changed, the real story was going to come out, so Ryan and Blake had to make sure no one found out.  So then I changed my review to 4*. Because this was now so interesting and I could not figure anything out (I like to guess who is the culprit in books).

And then I had 25% more to go and David Bell stepped up the mystery, the danger and did a complete twist around in this story.  I had to amp my review up to 5* because O.M.G I did not see this one coming.  Thanks to #Netgalley for this ARC and to #DavidBell for writing another great book!  Make sure to put it on your list, to be released June 30,2020.

View all my reviews

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