Sunday, February 2, 2020

Review: The Other Mrs.

The Other Mrs. The Other Mrs. by Mary Kubica
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sadie and Will Foust have only just moved their family from bustling Chicago to small-town Maine when their neighbor Morgan Baines is found dead in her home. The murder rocks their tiny coastal island, but no one is more shaken than Sadie.

And so we learn more about Sadie and her family. At first I was confused trying to keep up with Will, Sadie, their children and the switch back and forth to Camille and Mouse. But eventually it all came together and I understood this book was about mental illness and how people sometimes take advantage of it.

I found myself wanting to get to the end of the book because I wasnt sure how Sadie was going to cope and who was really responsible for what was going on in her life. Great book. Thanks to #Netgalley for this ARC #fourstars Being released on Feb 18, 2020, add to your TBR list!

View all my reviews

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