Monday, September 10, 2018

Review: Tear Me Apart

Tear Me Apart Tear Me Apart by J.T. Ellison
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A powerful story of a mother's love and what she would do to protect her child. Lauren's daughter is a super-star skier and on her way to the Olympics. She takes a big fall and comes crashing down. In the hospital, they find she has leukemia which can only be treated with a stem cell transplant.

It is then they find her parents are not a match - Mindy is not their daughter. The story has you hanging onto every word and surprises keep popping up as we find out the real story behind the lives of this family. Lies, betrayals and murder find their way into the families surrounding Mindy.

Never disappointed in a J.T.Ellison book; thank you NetGalley for this amazing book.

View all my reviews

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