Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Review: The Perfect Liar

The Perfect Liar The Perfect Liar by Thomas Christopher Greene
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Never heard of this author but when NetGalley gave me an ARC I had to read it. The description was great as its a story of Suzannah, who is a widow and has a young son. And many secrets. She remarries to a man - Max - who also has secrets.

They move to beautiful Vermont and there they start getting notes - I KNOW WHO YOU ARE - when people start dying, and the notes keep know the world they know is about to come crumbling down. But also they are literally getting away with murder....until the end which is not what you would expect or even think will happen.

Although this book will not be out until January of 2019, put it on your TBR list today!

View all my reviews

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