Monday, December 28, 2015

Google account??

So now that I am home for a week I have the time to really check out my google account and read more blogs. People I follow and those who follow me - and have time to really enjoy what you write. But alas I came across some info that affects all of us and therefore, I am just making a note in case you didnt see this one on your account.

Apparently if you use a non-google account to follow my blog - effective January 11, 2016 you will no longer be able to do sign up for a Google Account and re-follow my blog.

With a Google Account, you will get blogs added to your Reading List, making it easier for you to see the latest posts and activity of the blogs you follow.

For more information you can read it on Blogger Buzz where I found this little tidbit...

Hoping those of you who do not use Google will continue to follow me.....remember all the Avon discounts to my estore are right here on my blog....

1 comment:

  1. I've also been reading more blogs this week since I'm home. Good thing I have a google account, I definitely still want to be able to follow your blog.
