Sunday, July 19, 2015


How many of us go to a nail salon?  Why do you go?  To look pretty?  To get some relaxation?  I do both.   lol

My relaxation after a whole week of work is to sit in a salon and have someone work on my nails....throw in a pedicure once in awhile....but it is sooooo relaxing.

And it looks pretty.  Love having my nails done, hair done - put on some makeup. makes the biggest difference on how I feel that day.  There are some days I admit, staying in your pjs - letting your hair go - and just hanging out at home is what we all need.  Usually those days are in the winter - with a foot of snow on the ground......

But this is summer and summer in NY is pretty time......dont you agree?

And what if you do your own nails?  Did you know that Avon has so many colors I bet some of them are not even in your nail salon.  Check out Brochure C-16 for beautiful colors.

Dont forget to "LIKE" me on FB to get great discounts and free shipping offers.


  1. Your nails look very pretty! I have never gone anywhere to have my nails done, but I do like to paint them at home once in awhile.

  2. Thank you. It's a treat I give myself. I never went to a salon before until someone gave me a gift certificate. And got me hooked. Actually it is very relaxing for me....
