Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sun Style Tai Chi #1

  Today was my first day of my lessons in Tai Chi...I enrolled in the local community college for a six week course...every Wednesday morning for 1-1/2 hours.  It was held in an air conditioned gym and when I arrived I didn't know what to expect.

Never did this before, so I drove over to the school, with sneakers on and light loose outerwear.  Of course I could not find the gym but asked a nice lady headed toward the school and found she too, was going for Tai Chi.  So we both headed to the gym and found several others there.  This is a 55+ Wellness Plan and we seemed to be all in the same boat.  The instructor was young, thin and able to move better than us...but surprisingly, the class went well and I was able to not only stand for 1-1/2 hours but to move with the fluency that came with leaning Tai Chi.

I felt exhilarated at the end of class although the legs were burning due to my nerve condition.  But moving around and hopefully burning calories is all worth it....


  1. How cool! I would love to try tai chi! It's great that you're branching out and trying new activities.

  2. Thanks was cool on Wednesday...Thursday was another story. I ached all over, but it was well worth looking forward to next Wed...
