Sunday, February 10, 2013

Let it snow.....not

Yes, I am a NYer, and yes, we did get hit with a big snow storm....I am not a lover of snow, but haven't gotten to the point of moving to Florida....still working...maybe when I retire....meantime,  I am not loving it.  Snow is for children.....the kids love it, the grandkids love it.....but all it means to me is work..shoveling out the car, cleaning the walk, the son who lives downstairs does most of the work.....and if he wasn't around, then I would pay for someone to shovel....

At one time, there were loads of boys who rang your bell and asked to not so much...but I did see a few walking around in the afternoon.....I guess I cant complain because other areas got a lot more snow than I did.  And the news is that the weather will go up to 50 degrees and, besides floods, the snow will wash away....spring, I await you!


  1. I was thinking of you there in Brooklyn my new FB friend! Glad you have some help and that things were not more serious.Enjoying your blog and your bead page too!
    Joan@Gramcracker Crumbs

  2. thanks grandma Joan...taking everyday one day at a time..more snow predicted for tonight...should work in my bead room since I will be home bound...glad you enjoy my blog and beads...keep in touch, more to come...
