Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Lovely ShoesThe Lovely Shoes by Susan Richards Shreve

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was a first-read Goodreads book I won and when I received it and read the inside of the cover page it was classified as "middle-school fiction". While I am into fiction, I am prone to pick up books of mystery fiction, not middle-school. But then I did win it and felt I owed the author a review. So I sat down, read it in a few days and............loved it.

It's a love story about Franny who has a crippled leg and is entering high school with such a low self esteem because of her leg. Children of all ages are cruel and Franny suffers because of it.....but....her mother is this amazing woman who I feel loves her daughter so much, that she writes to Signor Ferragamo - regarding making shoes for her daughter....and when invited to go to Italy, this becomes a story that changes the life of Franny...turning her into a self confident young lady. The story is based in part on a true story of the author, Susan Shreve....Well worth reading..

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