Sunday, January 20, 2013

Not liking it....

Had to go to the radiologist yesterday.  It was for my yearly mammogram which at one time I never minded.  I went every summer and it always came back negative.  It was just something I needed to do.  Then to the gynecologist...and that was it for the year.

And then the summer of 2011 after my mammo, I went on my cruise and returned home to a letter....a letter from the radiologist to contact my doctor.  Of course, I was in Bermuda, and oblivious..and the day I returned the phone rang and my doctor asked my why I didn't call a week ago.  This was a Sunday...not a business day...he was concerned....and so was I.

I proceeded to tell him why I didn't call, and promised to call Monday and make an appointment.  He set up the appointment for Friday and I went in for my biopsy....which came back negative.  I don't know what others do, who get a positive result...but I was a nervous much that my blood pressure would not go the point they would not release me from the hospital until it did.

I had to go back 6 months later (January) and every January since then to have my mammogram..and every time I do I hold my breath because what became a routine for me is now a mind boggling chore I must endure every year.  I am so fortunate for the outcome...but at the same time my mind does not permit me to feel comfortable going for this test yearly.  I will continue to do so because I believe mammograms save lives.....I am an active participate in Making Strides for Breast Cancer - raising funds and walking every year for the does save lives...I am proof...

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