Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Here comes the ...

UPS man.  Yes, we have a thing going.  We practically see each other every day.  I love to shop online..mainly because walking around the mall or stores makes we tired and in pain from my medical condition.  So to avoid excess walking, some of my shopping gets done on line.....and therefore, my local UPS delivery guy is around a lot.

But even if I wasn't ordering....because of the fact that hubby is retired and home all day.....he becomes the collector of all things delivered.  So my children are always ordering and having it delivered to my house.  The holidays are especially crazy because of the multi packages that come to my house.

Right now there are boxes in my dining room.....the latest being my coffee delivery.  I order vitamins, grandchildren gifts and medicine - all through the mail.....not a store person...as you can see....

1 comment:

  1. Must admit, I still refer to be able to see (and feel) what I'm buying, but can see the attraction of online and am beginning to be converted!

    Sometimes, it can be too easy though.

    Isobel: www.ColdhamCuddliescalling.blogspot.com
