Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Book Review

The Twelfth ChildThe Twelfth Child by Bette Lee Crosby
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What did I think? I think while at the time I was reading two books....I just had to finish this one first. Bette Lee Crosby did it again. I would have given it 5 stars but I did not like the ending. In a way I understand why Ms Crosby did I truly want to find out what happened - ???? cant say any more because I dont want to give the ending away....but will say the story kept me wanting to hit a few people, kiss a few people and loving Abigail. Never has there been a sweeter book to read. The relationship between her and Destiny was bittersweet.....we should all have a friend like Destiny when we get old...the story brought tears and laughter ..Even though Abigail's life was hard I finished the book feeling that Abigail did not regret anything about her life.

I was sent this book by the author because it was on my to-read list in Goodreads - she also signed it, so I will not be lending it out...but it was truly a book I could not put down. I especially loved the part where Abigail, after her death, is looking down on Destiny and all the people involved in the story and the court case that went on after her death. The jury's verdict also was a twist I did not expect.....

Love the book! Definitely a must-read.

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