Friday, September 14, 2012


When did I start loving and hating them?  I am getting to the age where I can really think of skipping my birthday...but then again at least it means i am still here.  One birthday party i will never skip is the ones for my grandchildren.

I have come to love and look forward to birthday parties for the little ones...whether it is for one year olds or 12 year olds.  So with that said, tomorrow marks the 9th birthday for one of my grandsons...the theme - because mama always has a theme - is sports....come in your favorite team's it will be at a gym sort of with the kids running and playing games, - pictures will be posted.

here's the birthday boy:

Then pizza and ice cream cake.....I can do birthdays!!  As long as they are not

1 comment:

  1. a very handsome young man. enjoy the party!
    (I hate these capca words. this is my 3rd time. lol)
