Monday, February 20, 2012

Right now I should be....

doing laundry instead of on the computer.  I am off this week and could not sleep.  So i got up early and made breakfast for hubby who is out walking now.....we brought down the laundry which is sitting on the living room floor and I am here on the computer.

Well, must check facebook, and then there is my email, and of course, I had to see what other bloggers are doing this early in the morning.  I think if I ever retire, I would probably start my day off the same way......because I do have all day.  But somehow the day gets away from will I ever get to that laundry today?  You must stay tuned.....


You see when hubby returns in an hour, we then have to go to the doctor for my check up, then to some stores (yesterday was my birthday, and must spend that birthday money).....then we promised one of our grandsons he could come over, so there is the stop by his house to pick him up.....and then we have to entertain him.....mmmm, maybe the movies.....oh, well, laundry can wait.......grandchildren grow up way too fast!!