Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cookie Time

It has been a long week and finally the weekend is here.  Work along with shopping, Dr appt and oil change among other things, has made this past week hectic. I have grandkids every night and let me tell you, I have no problem falling asleep

Every day it seems to be the same.  Work. Dinner and homework with one or more grandkidz.  So this past Friday I decided to change things around a bit. After a 10 min rest when I finally got home. With 2 grandsons waiting for me.  I decided it was cookie time.  Not eating them. But making them. It has been a long time since I baked....especially with kids...I proceeded to mix the batter and leave the rest to the boys.

Telling them to wash up first. I mixed the batter.  They proceeded to make balls. Flatten with a glass dipped in sugar. They were on their own. This was the result.


The best part wasn't how the cookies turned out.  But the smiles on their faces.


  1. You can't start too young in getting kids interested in cooking and baking! Hope these two duly noted and will surprise you one day doing it all!

    Our two girls always played in the kitchen while small and I baked. The tit-bits they made (and coloured) for their animals/dolls turned into fabulous cook-ups when they grew up. Now they have homes of their own and are the envy of their chums! All because they were not forced into the kitchen, but made to feel it was fun!

  2. These are times that they'll remember forever.
