Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weight lose surgery for 14 year olds?

I recently read an article about the Young, Obese and Surgery which talked about how overweight people are using the LAP band surgery to lose weight....but instead of the older generation using it because of health is being used by the younger generation.  While I believe youngsters should lose weight, I also believe that the correct diet and exercise is the answer and not surgery.

I, myself, am overweight but even at my age (over 60) I would not resort to surgery.  Why?  Especially when my health is involved....actually I am afraid of going under when not warranted.  The procedure calls for making the stomach small so you only eat smaller portions.....why cant you do that on your own.  I have been on a program now for over a year....I am a terrible to date I have only lost 45 lbs....but feel better and look better.

My biggest problem is exercise which I am working on.  But I have been eating small portions of all the right food....There are so many complications with surgery and I have heard of people even dying.....

It reminds me of years ago when one of my sons was overweight.  I blames the bottle of soda and bag of chips he ate everyday......until he started to play handball every weekend.....and lost all the weight.....

So, how do you feel about the weight loss surgery?  Would you get one?  Would you allow your daughter of 14 years of age to get one?

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