Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Giveaway Blues

As I go through Google+ and blogs and facebook, and twitter among a few...then there is networked blogs....I find quite often Giveaways.....of gift cards and toys and laundry items, of coupons and books......I must admit that I am overwhelmed.....I tried one giveaway through another blog....it was a pair of my butterfly earrings......I did it to get more people to my Etsy shop and my own blog....liked on Facebook and followed on Twitter.....


Somehow it worked for a while although I didnt get any more customers.....I offer free shipping quite often.....so should I try more giveaways or just give up?  I enter giveaways and other than actually winning 3 books through Goodreads.com- they have great giveaways and I actually won....I am not so lucky to win....its like playing the Lottery.....it's all luck...

So I have decided not to enter a giveaway any more; nor will I do a giveaway......I will try to concentrate on my jewelry designing and sell more on Etsy and try to expand my business. 

Do you do giveaways and how does that work out for you?  Do you actually get more business from them?

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