Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday Sunday

Today is a good day....Awoke at 7:30 am instead of that was good.  Grandson slept over and we had breakfast together - grandpa went out for bagels this morning.....Good time talking and playing.....then grandson went home   :(

Decided to go to my craft room and get creative.  Been asked by a customer if i was selling any more butterfly earrings....but first I did some craft room is also my computer room, so there are a zillion papers all around....did some shredding and organizing and finished off a necklace and earrings.....hope to put it on Etsy some time today...

Then it was made dinner and watched the Jets play some great football.....going shopping a little later on (food) and hope to get some reading in this evening too......

Busy day and tomorrow is work.......anxiously awaiting the winter recess at school....two more weeks to go....


  1. Please note that I'm following you from my other Google profile because blogger won't let me follow anymore from this one. It says I'm following too many.

  2. I had that problem too, but now I sign in using my Twitter name @beaderbubbe and have been able to follow...but any way you can follow is great....glad to know you..
