Monday, December 12, 2011

The older I get....

the harder it is to get myself up in the morning to go to work.  Now I know why people retire.  My day starts at 5:15 AM - its still dark do you get out of bed.  I used to hop into the shower first thing in the morning to get myself started.....but alas, I dont have energy so my bathing takes place at night.

  Once I am up, and downstairs (thats another problem, those stairs)  the first thing I do is put up the coffee...with my k-cups its always quick and easy.....then off to work (after I greet my grandson who gets dropped off by me so grandpa can take him to school) and another stop at DD for another cup of coffee.....

And then the day starts.............    a long and hectic day but somehow i do get through make my way start all over again for another day....

how nice it would be to retire....imagine getting up without an alarm, to have your breakfast and read the paper.  Then maybe actually do shopping early in the morning without a my a friend to have lunch some housework in the afternoon....make dinner and then relax......I would have more time to go into my craft room and actually leisurely make jewelry - instead of running up on Sunday afternoons to quickly squeeze in one or two items.  I shouldnt complain because working in a school affords me summers I do get that luxury two months out of the year.

Well, the thought is there and there are only a few more years ahead of me - maybe two?....I will not miss the work....but I will miss the lovely people I work with......until then, I will continue - glad that I do have a job.....but ready to give it up to some younger person......with much more energy.

How do you feel about retirement?  Are you retired already?  Do you want to retire?


  1. this is how i feel! heres mine to follow back if youd like.

  2. I have worked on and off thru the years, but mostly I've been a homemaker. And now I'm a therapeutic foster parent, so my home is my work, lol. Hubby retired about 5 years ago, and while we still get up early to send the kids off to school, I absolutely love having the day with Hubby. And now that Amanda is working mostly full time, we have Owen, a lot! and still loving it. :)
    - ourhometoyours
