Saturday, May 14, 2011

Goodreads Book......

I like giveaways.....and I try to enter as many as I can....Well, has a continuous giveaway for so many authors, by Goodreads authors.  I have found many a great author on the site.

I enter so many giveaways that I was pleasantly surprised by the email I received recently that said I won a book....I would have told you sooner but Blogger was down and out......

The book called......The Solacers by Arion Golmakani (check out his blog here) and he tells us that...

"Solacers tells the touching story of a 5-year old child’s search for family life and safety following the divorce of his parents in Iran during the 1960’s. The first child of a heartless father and a discarded mother is left to fend for himself on the streets of Mashhad, seeking food and shelter wherever he can. His lonely early years are an unbelievable tale of cruelty and betrayal on the part of nearly everyone who might be expected to help, save for one aunt who does her best to keep him from starving."

I plan to read this book and will post a review on my blog under the tab.....Book keep in touch..

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